Chabad of Riverdale's Bar Mitzvah program runs
- Sunday mornings at 10 am
or - Wednesdays at 5:30 pm
Cost: $250/20 sessions
When a boy reaches the age of thirteen, he is ready to step beyond childhood, and commit to life as a Jewish adult. The program emphasizes the importance of becoming a Bar Mitzvah, rather than only focus on the celebrations surrounding the milestone.
Students will celebrate the deeper meaning of becoming a Bar Mitzvah, master Torah cantillation, and explore many of the commandments in the Torah. Interactive discussion groups on various Jewish topics will also add depth and perspective to a Bar Mitzvah student’s preparation.
Chabad of Riverdale's Bar Mitzvah students will also learn how to partake in the joyous commandment of donning Tefillin (phylacteries), which connects the head, heart, and deed, and forges a spiritual bond between man and G‑d. Students will also uncover the power and significance of the commandment of tzitzit and tallit – a prayer shawl – which serve as a constant reminder of our obligation to God and to mankind. As part of the program, students will visit a Tefillin Factory, where they will follow the processes involved with making a set of Tefillin. In the lead-up to Passover, they will also visit a Matza Factory.