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Girls who are approaching the age of Bat Mitzvah are brimming with potential, excitement, energy, and creativity. They also have feelings of confusion, curiosity, unease, and emotional overload. Their world is changing, and they are trying to find their place in it - they're no longer children, but not quite adults.

These girls have reached a point where their understanding of, and relationship with, G‑d and Judaism have never been so critical. When a girl becomes a Bat Mitzvah, her soul is now her own responsibility; this precious, vital treasure is solely in the hands of a twelve-year-old.

Through activities and discussion, the girls discover for themselves that the wisdom that will see them through this time and beyond. They will select their own paths, and grow immeasurably from the experience of managing the tricky terrain ahead of them.

In our Bat Mitzvah club, we aim to empower our girls with a thirst for wisdom, the knowledge of our sages, and love for her faith, and the confidence and courage to take the most righteous of paths.

For more info email [email protected] or call 718-549-1100

Click here for pictures of this year's Bat Mitzvah Club